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Alphabetized list: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Acronym Definition
AAC Associate Analysis Center
AC Analysis Center
AC Astronomical Council (Russia)
ACC IGS Analysis Center Coordinator
ACSnet Australian Computer Science Network
ADEOS Advanced Earth Observing Satellite
AFGL Air Force Geophysics Laboratory
AGU American Geophysical Union
AIUB Astronomical Institute of Berne (Berne, Switzerland)
ALO Astronomical Latitude Observatory (Poland)
AMSAT Amateur Satellite
AOA Allen Osborne Associates (USA)
APOLLO Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation (USA)
APSG Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics Program
ARC Ames Research Center (Moffett Field, CA)
ARELAS Arequipa, Peru Laser Station
ARI Academic Research Infrastructure
ARIES Astronomical Radio Interferometric Earth
ARPAnet Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
ASI Italian Space Agency (Italy)
ASL Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory
ATSC AlliedSignal Technical Services Corporation (Lanham, MD)
AUSLAS Graz, Austria Laser Station
AUSLIG Australian Surveying and Land Information Group
AWG Analysis Working Group (ILRS)
AZ Azimuth
AZ-EL Azimuth-Elevation
BARD Bay Area Regional Deformation (USA)
BBS Bulletin Board System
BE-C Beacon Explorer C
BFEC Bendix Field Engineering Corporation (Lanham, MD)
BFL Bundesamt fur Landestopographie (Switzerland)
BIPM Bureau International des Poids et Measures (France)
BIGS Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics
BIH Bureau International de l'Heure
BITnet Because It's Time Network
BKG Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (Germany)
BM Bench Mark
Cal/Val Calibration/Validatation
CB Central Bureau
CBIS Central Bureau Information System
CCD Charged Coupled Device
CDP Crustal Dynamics Project
CEE Centro de Estudios Espaciales (Chile)
CERGA Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Geodynamiques et Astronomiques (France)
CERN Center for European Laboratory for Particle Physics (Switzerland)
CfA Center for Astrophysics (USA)
CGS Centro di Geodesia Spaziale (Italy)
CHAMP Challenging Mini-Satellite Payload
CIC CIGNET Information Center (Rockville, MD)
CICESE Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Education Superior de Ensenada (Mexico)
CIGNET Cooperative International GPS Network
CIO Conventional International Origin
CIPE Central Institute for Physics of the Earth (Germany)
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CLG Central Laboratory for Geodesy (Bulgaria)
CLS Collecte, Localisation, Satellites (France)
CM Center of Mass
CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (France)
CODE Center for Orbit Determination in Europe
Co-I Co-Investigator
COM Center of Mass
CORE Continuous Observation of the Rotation of the Earth
CORS Continuously Operating Reference Station
COSMIC Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate
COSPAR Committee on Space Research
CPF Consolidated Prediction Format
CPP Combination Pilot Project
CRL Communications Research Laboratory (Japan)
CRLHI CRL, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center (Ibaraki, Japan)
CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (South Africa)
C-SPAD Compensated Single Photoelectron Avalanche Detector
CSR Center for Space Research (University of Texas, Austin, TX)
CSRIFS Combined Square Root Information Filter and Smoother
CSTG International Coordination of Space Techniques for Geodesy and Geodynamics
CTIOV1 Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (La Serena, Chile)
D-PAF Germany Processing and Analysis Facility
DAN Canadian Network
DAO Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (Victoria, Canada)
DBMS Data Base Management System
DC IGS Data Center
DDN Defense Data Network
DDNA Divided Difference Noise Analysis
DEC Digital Equipment Corporation
DECnet DEC networking product
DEOS Delft Institute for Earth-Oriented Space Research (The Netherlands)
DFN Deutsches Forschungnetz (Germany)
DFRF Dryden Flight Research Facility (Edwards, CA)
DFTNIC Data Flow Technology Network Information Center (GSFC)
DGFI Deutsches Geodaetisches ForschungsInstitut (Germany)
DGPS Differential GPS
DLR Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt (Germany)
DMAHTC Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic and Topographic Center
DOMES Directory of MERIT Sites
DORIS Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite
DOSE Dynamics of the Solid Earth
DOSLI Department of Survey and Land Information (Wellington, New Zealand)
DOY Day of year
DPSSL Diode Pumped Solid State laser
DRAO Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (Canada)
DREN Defense Research and Engineering Network
DSIR/PEL Dept. of Scientific & Indus. Res./Physics & Engineering Lab (Lauder, New Zealand)
DSN Deep Space Network
DSS Deep Space Station
DUT Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
DUT/OSG Delft University of Technology/Observatory for Space Geodesy (The Netherlands)
EARN European Academic Research Network
ED European Datum
EDC EuroLAS Data Center (Munich, Germany)
EDM Electronic Distance Measuring
EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System
EGS European Geophysical Society
EGU European Geophysical Union
EMR Energy, Mines, and Resources (Canada)
ENSO El Niño/Southern Oscillation
EOP Earth Orientation Parameter
EOS Electro Optical Systems (Australia)
EPUSP-PTR Escola Politecnica da USP-PTR
ERI Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (Japan)
ERP Earth rotation parameter
ERS Earth Resources Satellite
ERS-1 Earth Resources Satellite 1
ERS-2 Earth Resources Satellite 2
ESA European Space Agency
ESE Earth Science Enterprise (USA)
ESOC European Space Operations Center
ET Event Timer
ETS Engineering Test Satellite
EUREF European Reference Frame
EUROLAS European Laser Consortium
Euro-SPAN European Space Physics Analysis Network
FESG Forschungseinrichting Satellitengeodäsie (Research Facility for Space Geodesy, Germany)
FFI Forsvarets ForskningsInstitutt (Norwegian Defense Research Establishment)
FGI Finnish Geodetic Institute
FGNP Field Generated Normal Points
FINLAS Metsahovi, Finland Laser Station
FLINN Fiducial Laboratories for an International Natural Science Network
FR Full-Rate
FRD Foundation for Research and Development (South Africa)
FTLRS French Transportable Laser Ranging System
GA Geosciences Australia
GAPE Great Alaska and Pacific VLBI Experiment
GAOUA Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
GB Governing Board
GBSS Geodetic base station software
GDC IGS Global Data Center
GDSN Global Digital Seismograph Network
GeoDAF Geodetical Data Archive Facility (Italy)
GeodIS Geodetic Information System (Germany)
GEOS Geodetic and Earth Orbiting Satellite
GEOSAT Geodesy Satellite
GFO Geosat Follow-On
GFO-1 Geosat Follow-On 1
GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum (Potsdam, Germany)
GGAO Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory (Greenbelt, MD)
GGN Global GPS Network
GGOS Global Geodetic Observing System
GGP Global Geodynamics Project (Gravity)
GHMA Greek Hellenic Mapping Agency
GI Geological Institute (Russia)
GIG GPS IERS and Geodynamics Experiment
GIPSY GPS-Inferred Positioning System
GISS Goddard Institute for Space Studies (New York, NY)
GLAS Geoscience Laser Altimeter System
GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System
GLONASS Global'naya Navigatsionnay Sputnikovaya Sistema (Russia)
GLRS Geodynamics Laser Ranging System
GLTN Goddard Laser Tracking Network (USA)
GNAAC IGS Global Network Associate Analysis Center
GOCE Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GOME Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment
GORF Goddard Optical Research Facility (Greenbelt, MD)
GP-B Gravity Probe B
GRACE Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment
GRELAS Dionysos, Greece Laser Station
GRGS Groupe de Recherches de Geodesie Speciale (France)
GRS Global Reference System
GSAC GPS Seamless Archive Center
GSC Geological Survey of Canada
GSD Geological Survey Division, NRCan (Canada)
GSI Geographical Survey Institute (Tsukuba, Japan)
GSN Global Seismographic Network
GSS Geodetic Survey Squadron
GSTB Galileo System Test Bed
GTSN Global Telemetered Seismograph Network
GUTS Global and High Accuracy Trajectory Determination System
H2A/LRE Laser Ranging Experiment
HARTRAO Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (South Africa)
HAVAGO Horizontal and Vertical Adjustment of Geodetic Observations
HDJ Hydrographic Department of Japan
HEPnet High Energy Physics Network
HMC Hydrogen Maser Clock
HO Haystack Observatory (Haystack, MA)
HOLLAS Haleakala Laser Station (Maui, HI)
HOPLAS Mount Hopkins Laser Station (Mt. Hopkins, AZ)
HRAO Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory
HRAS Harvard Radio Astronomy Station
HTC Hydrographic and Topographic Center
HTSI Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc. (USA)
IAA/RAS Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
IAG International Association of Geodesy
IAPG Institut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie (Germany)
IAU International Astronomical Union
IBGE Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia de Estatistica (Brazil)
ICCG Interagency Coordinating Committee for Geodynamics
ICG Inter-Union Commission of Geodynamics
ICESat Ice Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite
ICET International Center for Earth Tides
ICRF International Celestial Reference Frame
ICRS International Celestial Reference System
IDA International Deployment of Accelerometers Network
IDS International DORIS Service
IERS International Earth Rotation Service
IESAS Academia Sinica, Institute of Earth Sciences (Taiwan)
IFAG Institut für Angewandte Geodaesie (Germany)
IFE Institut für Erdmessung (Germany)
IGeS International Geoid Service
IGEX International GLONASS Experiment
IGGOS Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System
IGLOS-PP International GLONASS Service -- Pilot Project
IGN Institut Geographique National (France)
IGOS Integrated Global Observing Strategy
IGP IGS predicted orbit
IGR IGS rapid orbit
IGS International GNSS Service
IGSCB IGS Central Bureau
ILRS International Laser Ranging Service
IMVP Institute of Metrology for Time and Space (Russia)
INASAN Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
INPE Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Brazil)
InSAR Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
INTA Instituto Nacional de Technica Aeroespacial (Spain)
ION Institute of Navigation (USA)
IONEX Ionosphere map exchange format
IPIE Science Research Institute for Precision Instrument Engineering (Russia)
IPRG Institute for Petroleum Research and Geophysics (Israel)
IRFC IGS Reference Frame Coordinator
IRIS Indian Research Satellite
IRS Institut für Erdmessung (Germany)
IRV Inter-Range Vector
ISAS Institute for Space and Astronautic Science (Sagamihara, Japan)
ISGN Integrated Space Geodetic Network
ISRO Institute for Space Research Observatory (Graz, Austria)
ISTRAC ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (India)
ITRF International Terrestrial Reference Frame
ITRS International Terrestrial Reference System
ITSS Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services (USA)
IUGG International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
IVS International VLBI Service for Geodynamics and Astrometry
IVTAN Institute for High Temperature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
JAnet Joint Academic Network (United Kingdom)
JAROS Japan Resources Observation System Organization
JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
JCET Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (USA)
JEA Environmental Agency of Japan
JGM Joint Gravity Model
JGR Journal of Geophysical Research
JHD Japanese Hydrographic Department
JILA Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (USA)
JIVE Joint Institute for VLBI for Europe
JPS Javad Positioning Systems
JSP Joint Seismic Program (USA)
JUnet Japanese University Network
KACST King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
KAO Korean Astronomical Observatory
kHz Kilohertz
KMS National Survey and Cadastre (Denmark)
KOOLAS Kootwijk, The Netherlands Laser Station
KPGO Kokee Park Geophysical Observatory (Kauai, HI)
LAAS Local Area Augmentation System
LAGEOS LAser GEOdynamics Satellite
LASSO Laser Synchronization from Stationary Orbit
LDC IGS Local Data Center
LDEO Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (Palisades, NY)
LERC Lewis Research Center (Cleveland, OH)
LGDO Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory (Palisades, NY)
LLR Lunar Laser Ranging
LOD Length of day
LRA Laser Retroreflector Array
LRE Laser Retroreflector Experiment
L+T Swiss Federal Office of Topography
LURE LUnar Ranging Experiment
MACLAS-1 McDonald Laser Station One (2.7 meter telescope) (TX)
MACLAS-2 McDonald Laser Station Two (MLRS) (TX)
MAO Main Astronomical Observatory (Ukraine)
MATLAS Matera, Italy Laser Station
MCC Mission Control Center (Russia)
MCEP Mean Celestial Ephemeris Pole
MCP Micro Channel Plate
MDI McDonnell Douglas, Inc.
MEDLAS Mediterranean Laser Campaign
MERIT Monitoring of Earth Rotation and Intercomparison of Techniques
MFEnet Magnetic Fusion Energy Network
MILnet Defense data network
MJ Millijoule
MLRO Matera Laser Ranging Observatory (Italy)
MLRS McDonald Laser Ranging System
MOBLAS MOBile LASer Ranging System
MOM Mobile Optical Mount
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSO Mount Stromlo (Canberra, NSW, Australia)
MSSSO Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatory (Canberra, NSW, Australia)
MSTI Miniature Seeker Technology Integration
MTLRS Modular Transportable Laser Ranging System
MTPE Mission to Planet Earth (USA)
MV Mobile VLBI
MWG Missions Working Group (ILRS)
NAD North American Datum
NAO National Astronomical Observatory (Tokyo, Japan)
NAPEOS Navigation Package for Earth Observation Satellites
NASCOM NASA COMmunications Network
NASDA National Space Development Agency (Japan)
NAVSTAR Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging
NBSM National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (PRC)
NCEDC Northern California Earthquake Data Center (USA)
NCEP National Centers for Environment Prediction (USA)
NCL University of Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom)
NCMN National Crustal Motion Network
NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications (USA)
NCST Naval Center for Space Technology (USA)
Nd:YAG Neodymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet
NERC Natural Environment Research Council (United Kingdom)
NEROC North East Rotation Observatory Corporation
NEWG Networks and Engineering Working Group (ILRS)
NGRS National Geodetic Reference System
NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum
NIC Network Information Center (NASA Goddard)
NICT National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan)
NIES National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan)
NLRS National Laser Ranging System (Orroral, Australia)
NLS National Land Survey (Sweden)
NMA Norwegian Mapping Authority
NMD National Mapping Division (Australia)
NOS National Ocean Survey
NP Normal Point
NPL National Physical Laboratory (India)
NPOESS National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System
NRAO National Radio Astronomy Observatory
NRCan National Resources of Canada (Ottawa, Canada)
NRIAG National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (Egypt)
NRT Near real time
ns Nanosecond
NSGF NERC Space Geodesy Facility (United Kingdom)
NSSDC National Space Science Data Center (NASA Goddard)
NUVEL Northwestern University velocity model
OASIS GIPSY-Orbit Analysis and SImulation Software
OCA Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (France)
OGT Observatoire Géodésique de Tahiti (French Polynesia)
ODC IGS Operational Data Center
OLG Observatory Lustbuehel Graz (Austria)
ORRLAS Orroral, Australia Laser Station
ORT Optical Ranging Telescope
OSGB Ordinance Survey of Great Britain
OSO Onsala Space Observatory (Sweden)
OSTA Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications (USA)
OTAGO University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand)
OUAT Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology (Poland)
OVRO Owens Valley Radio Observatory
PANGA Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array (USA)
Pan-STARRS Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (USA)
PAS Polish Academy of Sciences
PASSCAL Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere (USA)
PCGIAP Permanent Committee for GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific
PGC Pacific Geoscience Center (Canada)
PGGA Permanent GPS Geodetic Array (Southern California)
PI Principal Investigator
PL Phillips Laboratory (USA)
PM/UT Polar Motion/Universal Time
PMSL Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level
PMT Photo Multiplier Tube
POD Precision orbit determination
POLAC Paris Observatory Lunar Analysis Center (France)
POLARIS POLar motion Analysis by Radio Interferometry
PPET Portable Pico-Second Event Timer
PPME Pacific Plate Motion Experiment
PRAMM Planning Research Analysis Marketing and Management Firm (USA)
PRARE Precise Range and Range-rate Equipment
PSI Packetnet Systems Interface
PSLR Portable Satellite Laser Ranging System (Latvia)
PSN Piano Spazial Nazionale (Italy)
PTTI Precise Time and Time Interval
PULKOVA/RAS Astronomical Observatory at Pulkova/Russian Academy of Sciences
PW Precipitable water
PWV Precipitable water vapor
QL Quick-Look
QLDAC Quick-Look Data Analysis Center (The Netherlands)
RAS Russian Academy of Sciences
RCFC&WCD Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (USA)
RDAAC Regional GPS Data Acquisition and Analysis Center on Northern Eurasia
RDC IGS Regional Data Center
RGO Royal Greenwich Observatory (Great Britain)
RGOLAS RGO, Herstmonceux, Great Britain Laser System
RINEX Receiver INdependent EXchange
RIS Reflector in Space
RISC Reduced Instruction-Set Computing
RISDE Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering
RITSS Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services (USA)
RM Reference Monument
RMS Root Mean Square
RMT Reference MonumenT
RNAAC IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Center
ROA Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada (Spain)
ROB Observatoire Royal de Belgium (Brussels, Belgium)
RRA RetroReflector Array
RRL Radio Research Laboratories (Japan)
RSA Russian Space Agency
RSG Refraction Study Group (ILRS)
RSMAS Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (USA)
RSU Rivers State University of Science and Technology (Nigeria)
RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (USA)
RTK Real Time Kinematic
SA Selective Availability
SAAO South African Astronomical Observatory
SAC-C Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas-C
SAFE San Andreas Fault Experiment
SAGE Strategic Aerosol and Gas Experiment
SALRO Saudi Arabian Laser Ranging Observatory (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
SAO Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
SAO Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (PRC)
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SC Station Coordinates
SC Sub-Commission
SCEC Southern California Earthquake Center
SCEG School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (United Kingdom)
SCIGN Southern California Integrated GPS Network
SDSC San Diego Supercomputer Center
SENH Solid Earth and Natural Hazards (USA)
SETIC Selective Time-Interval Counter
SEWP Scientific and Engineering Workstation Procurement
SGAPO Space Geodesy and Altimetry Projects Office
SGMS Space Geodetic Measurement Sites
SGP Space Geodesy Project
SHAO Shanghai Observatory (PRC)
SHO Simosato Hydrographic Observatory (Japan)
SHOLAS Simosato, Japan Laser Station
SINEX Software Independent Exchange Format
SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography (San Diego, CA)
SIRAL SAR/Interferometric Radar Altimeter
SK Statens Kartverk (Norway)
SLR Satellite Laser Ranging
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio
SOAP Single Operator Automation System
SOD Site Occupation Designator
SOPAC Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center
SOR Starfire Optical Range (USA)
SP Signal Processing
SPAD Single Photon Avalanche Diode
SPAN Space Physics Analysis Network
SPE Single Photo Electron
SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics
SPNLAS San Fernando, Spain Laser Station
SPWG Signal Processing Working Group (ILRS)
SRI Space Research Institute (Russia)
SRIF Square Root Information Filter
SRS Stanford Research Systems
SSFPO Space Station Freedom Project Office
SSL Space Science Laboratory (NASA MArshall)
SST Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking
STALAS Stationary Laser Station (NASA Goddard)
STARSHINE Student Tracked Atmospheric Research Satellite for Heuristic International Networking Experiment
STDN Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network
SUNSAT Stellenbosch UNiversity SATellite (South Africa)
SV Space Vehicle
SV Station Velocities
SWEPOS Swedish Permanent GPS Network
swisstopo Swiss Federal Office of Topography
SXAO Shaanxi Astronomical Observatory (PRC)
TAI International Atomic Time
TBF Time Bias Function
TDRSS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System
TEC Total electron content
TEXnet Texas Network
TFO TOPEX/Poseidon Follow-On
THEnet Texas Higher Education Network
TIGO Transportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory
TIPS Tether Physics and Survivability Experiment
TIRV Tuned Inter-Range Vector
TIU Time Interval Unit
TLRS Transportable Laser Ranging System
TOPEX Ocean TOPography EXperiment
T/P TOPEX/Poseidon
TRF Terrestrial Reference Frame
TROS TRansportable Observation Station
TROS Transportable Range Observation System
TSK Tskuba Space Center (Japan)
TUM Technical University of Munich (Germany)
TVDS Transportable VLBI Data System
TZD Tropospheric zenith delay
UARS Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite
UB University of Bonn (Germany)
UCAR University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (USA)
UFP Université de la Polynésie Française (French Polynesia)
UFPR University Federal de Parana (Brazil)
UNAM Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
UNAVCO University NAVSTAR Consortium
UNICANT University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand)
UNSA Universidad Nacional de San Augustin (Peru)
UOSATS University of Surrey Satellite (United Kingdom)
UPAD University of Padova (Italy)
UPC Polytechnical University of Catalonia (Spain)
UPF Université de la Polynésie Française (French Polynesia)
URL Uniform Resource Locator
UT Universal Time
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UTCSR University of Texas Center for Space Research
UTOPIA University of Texas Orbit Processor (USA)
VCL Vegitation Canopy Lidar
VLBA Very Long Baseline Array
VLBI Very Long Baseline Interferometry
VNIIFTRI All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Physical-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements (Russia)
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal
VSL NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium (The Netherlands)
WAAS Wide area augmentation system
WCPT West Coast Precision Traverse
WEGENER Working Group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earthquake Research
WESTPAC Western Pacific Laser Tracking Network Satellite
WETLAS Wettzell, Germany Laser Station
WG Working Group
WGS World Geodetic System
WING Western Pacific Integrated Network of GPS
WLRS Wettzell Laser Ranging System (Germany)
WPLS Western Pacific Laser Tracking Network Satellite
WPLTN Western Pacific Laser Tracking Network
WRMS Weighted Root Mean Square
WTU Wuhan Technical University (PRC)
WUT Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
WVR Water vapor radiometer
X.25 Level II communication protocal for packet
ZIMLAS Zimmerwald, Switzerland Laser Station
ZIMLAT Zimmerwald Laser and Astrometric Telescope (Switzerland)
ZIPE ZentralInstitut der Physik der Erde (Germany)
ZND Zenith neutral delay